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Working Man's Clothes Productions is a defunct theater company/collaboration. Operational from 2005 through 2009, we produced vibrant independent theatrical productions that focused on the core of human interaction & experience as the guiding force in our work.
We have ceased operations - this website serves historical purposes only.
Working Man's Clothes Productions is dedicated to developing and producing authentic and original theater by supporting new works and new talent that will incite an evolution within modern theater.
Working Man's Clothes is about keeping our nose to the grindstone and producing quality theatre.
We believe in applying the spirit of American entrepreneurship to our work, and with only an artistic agenda, creating opportunities for playwrights, directors, designers, and actors to engage in creative collaborations while producing quality theatre.
We believe that theatre can and will survive by building reciprocal working relationships with other artists, maintaining an unwavering commitment to excellence and by sheer determination.